Sparrc Teleservice
1. How does Sparrc Teleservice work for me?
SPARRC Teleservice PROGRAM enables the clients to continue their exercise prescription through a video-conference call with their Physical therapist / Fitness Advisor / Sports Physician from any part of the world.
2. How can I consult through tele-services?
Yes! You can consult our Physician, Pain Specialist and Physiotherapist on a single platform of tele-video call that facilitates an integrated approach for Pain Management and Pain Rehabilitation. All you need to do is to click the video camera icon on the chat box of our website – . Our patient care executive would assist you through the process.
3. Is it possible to resume my exercise prescription that was advised sometime ago ?
Yes! We can assess and understand the current medical/ musculoskeletal/ exercise training history to redo the prescription of exercise and nutrition to resume the Tele-Rehab Program.
4. Do I need any equipment to do my exercises?
We need minimal or no equipments to help you perform our exercise protocol.
5. Can SPARRC Teleservice help me lose weight or is it only for pain rehabilitation?
Yes! We analyse the need of your musculoskeletal health and physical fitness to plan your exercise program. Weight management is crucial and adds to prognosis of a good musculoskeletal health. Therefore the prescription of exercise would include a healthy weight loss plan that also aims in improvement of general health and fitness.