SPARRC Domiciliary Sports Medicine

Home Care Services from SPARRC:

Is SPARRC far away from you? Commutation, conveyance giving you a headache, annoyed by the relentless traffic and bound by time constraints ?

Good riddance to all of the above
Welcome us at your place!!!!

We help alleviate pain and rehabilitate through various of our services such as Myofascial trigger point therapy, Acupuncture, Pulsed Electromagnetic field (PEMF), Geriatric Fitness, Neuro Rehabilitation, Non surgical therapeutic approach to various injuries , Exercise intervention for Lifestyle disorders.

Call 965 965 0000 for more.


  • Ajay Sachdeva
    7 years ago Reply

    My mother is aged 85 years. She has a problem of osteoarthritis in the knees,pain in cervical and shoulders and a painful sciatica with compression of discs and back pain (S4,S5,L1,L2). This affects her mobility,sleep quality and overall quality of life.She has undergone a knee relpacement surgery about 5 years back in one knee.
    What we are now seeking is non-surgical intervention and pain management therapy which can help alleviate the pain and help her lead a better quality of life.
    Can your facility help in this regard ?

  • Kavita
    7 years ago Reply

    Hello. What are your charges for a physiotherapist to come to my house in Metrozone for Physiotherapy. July mother has suffered a stroke and inbred someone everyday

  • Wandashisha Dkhar
    6 years ago Reply

    Please give me details about a senior internship program.

  • S P Dwivedi
    6 years ago Reply

    My wife aged 71 has undergone spine surgery at indian spine injuries hospital New Delhi on 7th Jan 2019.She needs physiotherapy for improving movement of hand,leg etc.Can lt be done at home and if yes what are the charges per visit or package if any.

  • Kalpana Ravi
    6 years ago Reply

    Dear Team SPAARC,

    I, Kalpana Ravi, undergoing treatment in your institute for my knee pain for the past 15 days.

    I wish to mention the service of your staff members.

    From Car park security to Doctor’s room each and every staff are well trained and the way they demonstrate the service is much appreciated. Here I wish to mention the name of Ms Shanmugapriya, your staff, is to be much appreciated the way she takes care of the patient and I wish to give her 5 star appreciation,

    Thank you and all the best .

  • Loganathan
    6 years ago Reply

    I need home treatment for backpain. I am in Vellore district. Do you have a branch in Vellore?

  • Vyoma
    5 years ago Reply

    Job vancacy for the post of physiotherapist

  • S.K.Ghosh Ghosh
    5 years ago Reply

    How much expenses necessary for frozen shoulder treatment and how much day for treatment

  • Nirmala
    5 years ago Reply

    Dear Team,

    I had Grade 2,3 Partial ACL tear other issues like Moderate fluid collection, Mucoid degeneration etc., and advised Arthroscopy. I couldn’t fold my leg, stiffness etc., After meeting Dr. Kannan he advised Rehabilitation and exercise. Under his Team guidance underwent the therapy, I am feeling much better now, stiffness has reduced considerably and I feel that that I might not require Arthroscopy.

    Thanks to Dr.Kannan and his Team

  • Ajay singh negi
    4 years ago Reply

    Dear sir/mam
    I want to know about sports injury rehabilitation course… With fee structure

  • Meenakshi
    1 year ago Reply

    My mother is 85 year old. She slipped and fell a few months back. Since she has been bed-bound during recovery, now having mobility issues.

    A few weeks back she could walk a few steps using a walker. Now she seems to have sprained her muscles near her hip area. Having difficulty (sharp pain) getting up from bed, moving her body.

    How can this program help her?

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