Eat & Reduce fat!

Adequate amount of food with ample amount of exercise is the key and not fasting or only exercise to reduce fat.



  • vijayan
    13 years ago Reply

    dear Dr. Kannan Pugazhendi,
    i (age 34)have lost some weight (about 7 kilos) and plan to loose some more i have doubts whether I should proceed with it and they are as follows
    # is there a test to measure only body fat and know the ratio of loss of fat to muscle.
    # can you measure the loss of fat and the loss of muscle separately by tests.
    # what is the advisable time period you need to loose 1kg of body weight without causing much side effects (such as loss of minerals).
    # do you also provide customized diet schedule for each individual.
    thanking you,

    • Dr. Kannan Pugazhendi
      13 years ago Reply

      Measuring Body fat, knowing ratio of loss of fat to muscle, loss of fat or muscle separately can be checked using the DEXA scan that is done today in major diagnostic centres in the city.You might have to mention the purpose of the scan. Other measurements such as Anthropometric measurements (height, weight, circumferential measures etc) and Fat % evaluation using Skin fold caliper measurements can be done to give an approximation of fat and muscle mass percentages.
      The ideal time period to lose 1kg body weight without side effects will be 15 days.
      We do Customized diet schedules for our clientele at SPARRC Institute

      • Navin
        8 years ago Reply

        Do u perform such dexa scans as you mentioned?

  • sandhya
    13 years ago Reply


    I am obese as well as affected by polio in both legs.I am 85 kgs and finding it difficult to do my regular work.Can yu give any advice and at present i am in bangalore.

    • Dr. Kannan Pugazhendi
      13 years ago Reply

      Being over weight is one big constraint to exercise on the terrestrial environment. Aquatherapy is of real help in your treatment plan . Stretching, strengthening, walking, aerobics, swimming etc are all activities that can be done in water as aquatherapy. Choose the activities that are comfortable for you and be regular at it.

      P.S. : If you do not know swimming skip that mode of exercise.

  • maalu
    13 years ago Reply

    hai sir,
    i am 36 years old and mother of 2 kids of 14 yrs and 7 yrs. i do excercises at home and i am fit to certain extent. i am always been attracted by various work outs. i am interested in learning a course from you. may i know the eligibility sir?
    can i practice them under you.workout has become a passion for me.kindly reply me sir.
    thank you.

    • Dr. Kannan Pugazhendi
      13 years ago Reply

      You are most welcome to join the course. It is open for all Fitness enthusiasts. Commencement of our next Health and Fitness training Program will be updated in our website shortly. stay connected. For further details contact our Chief Fitness Advisor Mr.Vijay @ 9790944607.

  • Samal
    13 years ago Reply

    Hi Doc,
    I am 37 and quite active cycling and running, height 5ft 9. I would like to reduce my weight to 58 kgs from the current 64 kgs. Is this fine… And what approch need to be taken

    • Fitness Advisor
      13 years ago Reply

      Hi Samal
      As you have mentioned your height is 5′ 9″ (i.e.) 174cms your Ideal Body Weight is 74Kgs.
      And your Body Mass Index is 21 which is very much in the Normal Range.
      SPARRC Team

  • Sindhu
    9 years ago Reply


    I’m obese and want to reduce 15kgs. Want to know the fees in ur instutute ? PLease reply soon.

  • Jenifer J
    9 years ago Reply

    I want to reduce 15kgs. Want to know the fees in ur instutute ? PLease reply soon.

  • Vidhya
    9 years ago Reply

    Hi Dr.
    Iam over weight. My age28my hight5ft my weight 112.i cannot how to reduce my body weight.i do exercise at home. But lost of pain. I want to see u doctor. Give me a appointment pls

  • Bhanu
    9 years ago Reply

    Hi dr.pugazheldi age is height 165 cm And my weight is 80kg.I wan to reduce my 25 kg.Please help me to with some ideas to lose my extra kg

  • S Menon
    8 years ago Reply

    Sir I reside in Mumbai kandivali area. I have a school going child & have back & neck issues due to which I cannot commute long distances in Mumbai. I want to know if u have physiotherapists who can home visit.

  • Vazida Khatun
    8 years ago Reply

    hi sir,my daughter is weighing 105 kgs. she want to reduce her weight. what will be the cost sructure and how the programme is? please reply as regards

  • Nandhini
    7 years ago Reply

    Hello Dr.
    Actually am 25 and my weight is above 80 kg sudden weight gain. I wanna to reduce my weight can you give some suggestions upto 25 kg I wanna to reduce with pls..

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