We all always wanted to know how to work out for a short time and get all benefits ?
Vibration is a stimulus with an oscillatory motion . The height of the oscillation determines the amplitude in millimetres, the rate of repetition as the frequency and the acceleration as the magnitude .
It is based on the hypothesis that low frequency and amplitude vibration will improve muscular strength and power . During the exercise , the smooth oscillatory motions are only 1 to 2mm vertically and vibrations are 25 to 50 times /sec. Push – ups, squats , sit – ups and many other exercises are done for a period of 30 seconds to a minute with one minute recovery . The vibration increases the G- force and makes the muscle contract at 25 to 50 contractions. It is claimed that a 10 – minute workout on the power plate would be equal to an hour of exercise owing to the alteration of the G- forces.Muscles maintain their normal performance capabilities due to the G- force . When astronauts are in outer space, there is no G- force, well now you should now what is a G- force of course we have been talking about Gravitational force . The loss of G- force will cause muscles atrophy and loss of bone mass. The same concept is used n Total Body vibration .
The G- force is increased and so the exercise will increase the potential of the muscle to produce strength and power . Even the skin , bone and tissue perceive the vibration and sensitise the stretch reflex. Research indicates that the antagonist muscles are inhibited due to vibration exercise . This enhances the muscle performance immediately after the vibration .” For instance if you notice the jump height is increased within two minutes of the exercise. But this enhancement is lost after two hours.
If i do vibration training is it possible to improve my 100 metres ‘ Timing ?
Ofcourse it should , perhaps the world class performers are using them where accuracy need not be a factor like in sprinting , jumping or throwing. It only works on the fast twitch muscle and does nothing for the slow twitch muscle. That means it cannot enhance cardiovascular endurance . So it would be inadequate as a health – related fitness tool independently .